Gingival Grafting

Gingival grafting is a procedure to heal gum recession which is a result of periodontal disease. With gum recession, the roots of our teeth are usually visible. This can create gum inflammation, sensitivity to temperatures, and increase a patient's risk to root decay. A gum graft or gingival graft can repair gum recession and also help prevent bone loss and gum deterioration in the future. There are two different types of gingival grafting:

Connective Tissue Graft

This tissue graft is the most common type of gingival graft performed. Tissue is removed from your palate and sutured into the gum tissue where you have gum recession covering the exposed root. Donor tissue from a tissue bank can also be used.

Free Gingival Graft

Free gingival graft is a procedure commonly used when a patient has mild gum recession with no tooth root sensitivity. It is a procedure performed when a patient has "thin" gums and to try to prevent more gum recession from occurring. The donor tissue is obtained from the roof of your mouth.